GR T5-4: Belganus

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Recommended Team Setup


Heavy Neutralization

Optional Items

Whirlwind Bomb | Adrophin |  Awakening Potion

General Battle Mechanics

  • There are 3 phases to this boss. The 2nd phase begins after the 1st teleport. 3rd after 2nd teleport. 

  • Only 1 new attack is added during the 3rd phase, the "pizza".

  • The boss's attacks are super quick and it will take some getting used to.

Phase  Switch
  • Early in each phase, the boss will turn dark. This signals the start of damage reduction and buffs. 

  • Belganus will periodically call down the circles of light which buff the user. 

  • Your damage is SEVERELY REDUCED unless you have these buffs.

  • Stepping in any of the lights give you an attack power buff, stacking up to 5. 

  • 3 buffs will give you the max attack power you can get while the buffs reduce damage taken. 

  • Consequently, getting hit by dark magic attacks apply a debuff which increase the damage taken. 

  • Getting holy buffs remove the debuffs.

  • Belganus will also periodically absorb light. 

  • He will circle around until the runes on the ground reach the outer edge. 

  • You must neutralize him and knock him so he doesn't one shot all of you.

  • If you feel like your team doesn't have enough neutralization, you can always just run away. 

Orb Eat
  • Belganus will periodically try casting a spell and he will summon an orb in front of him. 

  • You will know that he uses it after you see a shockwave being emitted and hexagons show up on heads.

  • After a while, one of the hexagons will turn black. 

  • That player whose hexagon turns black must go into the orb and get picked up. 

  • Right after, he will get knocked for a long duration. If the wrong person gets picked up, everyone dies.

3rd Phase Mechanic "Pizza"

  • During the 3rd phase, the boss will have access to pizza attacks. 

  • The boss will always do a fake one telling you just the direction the pizza will occur prior to the real one.

  • The attack is telegraphed by a dark cloud swirling around him. Dark energy spreads outwards right after. 

  • He does a somersault and then another dark cloud will swirl around him.

  • Afterwards, he will go around in a circle dealing damage. The safe spots are the holy sections.

  • The attack can go either clockwise or counterclockwise. 

  • The direction is indicated by the dark swirl of the cloud. 

  • You can see the cloud moves counterclockwise and so does the safe spots.

  • The attack always starts behind the boss. The safe spots give the buffs.

  • You may just avoid the attack completely by standing outside.

General Moveset

Holy Charge

  • Short dash. Triple combo attack.

Holy Flash
  • Holy flash rush. Disappears for a short time before doing a somersault and rushing a direction. 

  • Does a shout AoE at the end. 

  • You will know its a holy rush because it disappears before reappearing and the trail color is golden.

Dark Charge
  • Dark flash rush. Does a quick somersault before rushing in a direction. Does a tail swipe at the end.

  • You will know its a dark rush because it doesn't disappear and its trail color is dark.

Dark Claw Swipe
  • Smashes the area in front of the boss and then does a 360. 

  • The damage cone spreads from the middle of its body.

Holy Feathers
  • Will aggro a player and then turn 90 degrees and start shooting feathers from its sides. 

  • The initial volley of feathers don't do much damage which gives you time to move out. 

  • Once it stomps its paw again, the feathers start doing much more damage.

Holy Jump
  • Jumps up and lands down. 4 feather damage cones appear at 4 cardinal directions relative to the boss.

Dark Breath
  • Will aggro a player and switch directions by jumping. Can use one of two moves. 

  • First is a breath attack. Dodge it immediately by recognizing the jump and moving to the side.

Dark and Holy Orbs
  • Will aggro a player and switch directions by jumping. Can use one of two moves. 

  • Second is an orb move. Dodge it immediately by recognizing the jump and moving to the side.

  • If you're unable to move to the side in time, its easy to dodge the dark orbs by standing in the middle, then move to the side to dodge the light orbs.

Holy Tail Swipe
  • Will glow and do a tail slam in the middle behind itself. Will do a swipe after.

Holy Quake
  • Will glow golden and do a somersault before doing 3 quakes. 

  • This is easily differentiated from the dark rush somersault because its slower and the boss will glow golden.

Dark Backstep
  • Will glow a bluish color before jumping backwards and dealing damage.

Slow Bombardment
  • Slow bombardment. This is telegraphed by the appearance of dark clouds near the boss. 

  • The circles take time to deal damage. It is safe to run over them while they still have a small radius. 

  • Buffs will also drop from this type of bombardment.

  • Once they reach the max radius, they will explode and some of them will leave behind a field of force that last a long time.

Fast Bombardment
  • Attacks hit instantly.  No forcefields are left behind. 

  • This is different from the slow bombardment because he does not do the dark clouds before using it.

Posted by Yaen

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