'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 297건

  1. 2019.03.20 Guardian Raid T4-3: Icegaia
  2. 2019.03.17 Guardian Raid T4-2: Yoho of the Red Flame
  3. 2019.03.17 Guardian Raid T4-1: Heavy Armor Nakrasena
Guardian Raid T4-3: Icegaia

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Recommended Team Setup



Recommended Weapon

Lightning Weapon (Not Bard)

Optional Items

Whirlwind Bomb

Recommended Runes

60% Water Resistance | 100% MS Reduction Immunity | 30% Wild Beast Damage

Optional Engravings

Urgent Rescue

General Battle Mechanics

  • Frostgaia's attacks apply a MS debuff. Getting 10 stacks freezes you.

  • When Frostgaia tries to do its 1st ever evolution, regardless of whether or not you break it, it will evolve.

  • The evolve is signaled by this scream and this means the boss has done its 1st evolution.

  • When the boss TPs away after its 2nd evolution, it will always start at its 1st evolution afterwards.

  • If the DPS of your team is high enough, Frostgaia will evolve to 1st evolution without doing the mechanic.

  • Example of evolution sequence:

->1st Evolve Attempt or High DPS->Scream Signals 1st Evolution->Evolve Attempts->2nd Evolution->TP Away
->Find Boss Again->Starts at 1st Evolution->Evolve Attempts->2nd Evolution->TP Away
  • When first encountering the boss, the boss will land and deal damage at landing location and fly back up.

  • The second landing deals no damage.

  • You still have to break the boss during the evolve phase much like Hellgaia's evolution attempts.

  • Frostgaia's impairment requirement is higher than Hellgaia's. 

  • Do not count evolve attempts until after the 1st scripted/mandatory evolution during your 1st encounter.

  • Average teams can break 2 evolve attempts from 1st evolution without items. 3 evolve breaks is difficult.

  • When you know you will fail to break a boss during its evolve, the bard should ult or you should all run.

  • When the boss reaches its 2nd evolution, it will not attempt to evolve anymore.

  • Instead you must impair the boss so that it runs away and restarts at its 1st evolution elsewhere.

  • After the boss gets back up, it will always do 2 Sky Attacks. It will then scream and TP away.

Moveset (New Moves Added During Evolves)

Sky Attack (1st Evolution)

  • Jumps up into the air and flies back down. Annoying to dodge because of fast attack speed.

Frontal Swipe

  • Single wing frontal swipe. Can do it multiple times in succession.

Double Frontal Swipe (1st Evolution)

  • Frontal swipe with right then left wing. Still has access to single swipe.

Triple Frontal Swipe (2nd Evolution)

  • Frontal swipe with right, left, and then both wings in the front. Still has access to previous frontal swipes.


  • Telegraph for this charge is straightforward.

Upgraded Charge (2nd Evolution)

  • Flies up a bit before charging forward. Replaces the normal charge.

Up (2nd Evolution)

  • Flies up and lands at a location after a short while. Don't get near the AoE until after the boss lands.

Beak Lift

  • Self-explanatory.

Double Peck

  • Self-explanatory.

Side Wing Swipe

  • Self-explanatory.

Tail Swipe

  • Self-explanatory. Safe spot is right on Frostgaia's butt. Can do it multiple times in succession or just once.

Posted by Yaen

Clips from:

Just right click the YouTube video and click loop to get it to behave like a GIF.

Recommended Team Setup



Recommended Items

Shield Talisman | Water Bomb

Recommended Runes

60% Fire Resistance | 100% Burn Immunity | 30% Wild Beast Damage

General Battle Mechanics

  • Yoho goes through 3 phases. She starts at the 1st phase and everytime she TPs, she enters the next phase.

  • Yoho's 2nd and 3rd phase give her access to upgraded and/or new attacks.

  • Throughout the battle, you will have a chance to attain an attack buff which greatly increases your AP and AS.

  • This attack buff applies a burn debuff on you so make sure you have 100% burn immunity.

  • The most common method is when the boss uses her breath attack.

  • Getting hit by the fire will give you this attack buff.

  • Have a bard shield before entering the fire or use a shield talisman.

  • She will usually use her breath shortly after she turns pink.

  • Yoho does this ring move during 1st phase.

  • When the move ends, the person with the lowest health gets the attack buff (not percentage health).

  • Since bard's are usually the one with the lowest health, they have to use spacebar to get out of the ring.

  • You see in this video, the bard gets the buff at the end of the move, which shouldn't have happened.

  • You cannot just walk out of the ring because it pushes you back towards Yoho.

  • Yoho does move during 2nd phase.

  • You must get hit by 3 orbs to get the attack buff.

  • Yoho periodically does a 360 spin move that causes random areas on the floor to be on fire.

  • Does no damage.

  • Since these fires can sometimes interrupt with DPSing, players throw water bombs on those areas to clear.

  • Do not waste a water bomb on such a small area like this berserker though.

  • Yoho will periodically try and powerup. Impairment required is fairly low and this is free time to DPS.

1st Phase Moveset


  • Screams, TPs, screams again, does a 360, and spawns a clone that also does a 360.


  • Faster version of charge.

  • Telegraphed by Yoho kneeling a bit before going further.


  • Telegraphed by Yoho kneeling down and getting ready to leap.

Random Fireballs

  • Arches her head up and screams before firing fireballs in random directions.

Targeted Fireballs

  • It's sometimes easy to tell who is the target of this attack because she just slides across the floor.

  • She fires two projectiles for the 1st phase version.


  • You should be used to the animation of charges by now. Yoho's charge is nothing different.

Sky Drop

  • Turns toward an aggroed target, screams and flies up into the air, then drops down on the target.

  • Can be avoided by just running. If you don't feel confident, just use a dash move.


  • Turns toward an aggroed target and does a single stomp.

Tail Swipe 360

  • Same telegraph as her spawn fires on random areas move, except this actually damages you.

Tail Swipe Back

  • Telegraphed by Yoho bending her head down a bit before bringing her tails up and swiping down.

Tail Swipe Side

  • She will look at the side she will tail swipe just like Calventus.

  • Yoho will then swipe her tail at the side she was looking at from the other side.


  • No damage.

2nd Phase Moveset - Inherits 1st Phase Moveset

Upgraded Jump

  • She does 3 jumps now instead on the same target.


  • She will walk into a straight line like a model on a runway. As she does this, rain will fall down.

3rd Phase Moveset - Inherits Previous Phases Moveset

Upgraded Clones

  • Instead of one clone, she will spawn clones in all cardinal directions, east, west, north, and south.

  • Easy to avoid for ranged by standing 45 degrees to Yoho.

  • Melee can just dash back in after the real Yoho does her spin.

Upgraded Flash

  • Yoho does flash three times in a row during 3rd Phase.


  • Arches her head up, screams and rain will fall down.

Upgraded Random Fireballs

  • These random fireballs now leave the floor burning.

Upgraded Targeted Fireballs

  • Instead of a pair of projectiles being fired, there are now two pairs of projectiles.

'Unsorted > Guardian Raids Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Guardian Raid T4-4: Taitalos  (0) 2019.03.20
Guardian Raid T4-3: Icegaia  (0) 2019.03.20
Guardian Raid T4-1: Heavy Armor Nakrasena  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chromanium  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus  (0) 2019.03.16
Posted by Yaen
Guardian Raid T4-1: Heavy Nakra

Clips from:

Just right click the YouTube video and click loop to get it to behave like a GIF.

Recommended Team Setup


Heavy Impairment

Recommended Weapon

Earth Weapon

Recommended Items

Corrosion Bomb | Grey Bomb | Grey Shuriken | Blue Shuriken (Optional)

Recommended Runes

Lightning Resistance | Paralyze Immunity | Insect Damage

Recommended Engravings

Vital Strike (+10% Neutralization Effect) (On Warlords/Destroyers)

General Battle Mechanics

  • Heavy Armor Nakrasena introduces some new mechanics.

  • When you first knock the boss, you must throw use destruction on the tail to break the tail armor.

  • You must reach a destruction level of 6 to break the armor. 3 grey bombs work and/or skills as well.

  • If you miss the first opportunity, you will be able to break it the next time you knock the boss.

  • After you have broken the tail armor, you will be able to cut the tail the next knockdown.

  • Unlike above, shurikens will not go through the body or the wall.

  • You must reach a cutting level of 12 to cut the tail.

  • You may use a corrosion bomb and 4 grey shurikens to cut the tail, or 4 blue shurikens.

  • After the tail is cut, the boss will be unable to use certain moves. After it TPs, you will do this all over again.

  • Experienced players would just not cut the tail because the boss would never TP away if it wasn't cut.

  • Periodically, Heavy Nakra will go through powerup charging phases as indicated below in the video.

  • You will see an electric charge starting near his tail going down to the center.

  • Each electric charge that reaches the center powerups the boss up to a max of 3 powerups.

  • Each powerup gives Nakrasena access to more moves.

  • To interupt these powerup phases, you must use your impairment skills on the boss.

  • A successful impairment during this phase does not count as a natural knock for bomb or cut.

  • The boss takes less damage during this charging phase until it finishes or gets back up from the break.

  • If an electric charge has reached his center, he keeps his powerup even after you impair him.

  • This counter carries over to the next powerup phase up to a maximum of 3 powerups.

  • On his 3rd successful electric charge, he will use an AoE outwards.

  • If you know you won't be able to break the 3rd charge in time, just run away.

  • After this, he will no longer do anymore of his powerup phases. This resets after TP.

1st Powerup Moves


  • There is a charging sound made when the boss will use this move.
  • Do not run in the same direction as other players because you might get other players caught.


  • Same telegraph as the powerup move. Easily dodgeable.

Upgraded Side Claw

  • His side claw swipe is upgraded. He gathers an electric charge at his claw then swings it to the side.

2nd Powerup Moves


  • Does the drums/bongos before calling down lightning AoE.
  • Unlike T2 Nakra, the safe spot for T4 Nakra is directly behind the bosses' hind legs.

3rd Powerup Moves


  • Burrows into the ground and spawns 5 scorpions. The boss doesn't chase you.
  • Recommended method of dealing with the scorpions is running together to the left or right.
  • This gives you a wider view and lets you gather them up so you can AoE them all down.
  • If you don't kill the scorpions in time, they will eventually have an electric AoE surrounding themselves.
  • Getting hit by these will chain paralyze and damage you.

Upgraded Bongos

  • Same telegraph as regular bongos. Only addition is that 8 electric AoE's are spawned.
  • Same safe spot as regular bongos.

General Moveset

Tail Swipe

  • Wider range than T2 Nakrasena. 
  • The initial tail slam in the middle staggers.
  • The swipe afterwards knocks you back. The CC can be avoided by spacing into the swipe or out of it.


  • The boss may do a pair of breaths, or back to back breaths.
  • Getting hit by these breaths apply a slow stack and burns most of your mana.


  • The boss can rush forward twice or once.
  • If doing it twice, the boss will raise its claws up after finishing the first charge and then charge again.
  • At the end of the 2nd charge, the boss will jump up and deal damage at landing location.

  • Charge one time.

  • Warlords can cancel the charge by taunting.

Front Tail Slam

  • The frontal tail slam follows the aggroed target. The boss may use it twice in a row.
  • Can be dodged by running to the side if your MS is high enough.
  • If not fast enough, can be dodged at the last second by using your space bar.

Side Tail Slam

  • The boss tilts to the side before bringing down his tail to the other.


  • Leaps, does a somersault and lands at another location.


  • Same as T2 Nakrasena.

Claw Crush

  • Same as T2 Nakrasena.

Side Claw Swipe

  • Same as T2 Nakrasena.

Frontal Claw Swipe

  • Same as T2 Nakrasena.


  • Instead of staggering you like T2 Nakrasena, this will knock you down.

'Unsorted > Guardian Raids Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Guardian Raid T4-3: Icegaia  (0) 2019.03.20
Guardian Raid T4-2: Yoho of the Red Flame  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chromanium  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus  (0) 2019.03.16
Guardian Raid T3-2: Regi Bros  (0) 2019.03.11
Posted by Yaen

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