'2019/11'에 해당되는 글 18건

  1. 2019.11.30 Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus YouTube Ver.
  2. 2019.11.30 Island Affinity
  3. 2019.11.30 Rohendel Affinity
  4. 2019.11.30 Shushire Affinity
  5. 2019.11.30 North Bern Affinity
  6. 2019.11.30 Arthethine Affinity
  7. 2019.11.30 Anich Affinity
  8. 2019.11.30 Tortoyk Affinity
  9. 2019.11.30 East Luteran Affinity
  10. 2019.11.30 West Luteran Affinity
Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus

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Recommended Team Setup


Optional Items

Panacea | Talisman | Flash Bomb

General Battle Mechanics

  • The bosses dark attacks will apply a stacking debuff. Each debuff reduces armor by 10%.

  • The boss has 2 phases and an enrage phase. When you first encounter the boss, it will be in his 1st Phase.

  • When the boss TP's away, it will start at his 2nd Phase.

  • The 2nd phase is signaled by an AoE rain. There are 2 situations where this can occur.

  • The 1st situation is after the 1st knockdown. After getting back up, it will do it's AoE attack.

  • If you don't knock the boss, the boss will automatically use the AoE rain after ~3-4 minutes.

  • This starts the 2nd phase.

  • During the 2nd phase, the boss will periodically call down 4-5 dark orbs that move toward the boss.

  • The orbs can be staggered and the boss will not absorb them when the orbs are being engaged.

  • Allowing the boss to absorb ~4-5 orbs will enrage the boss. The enraged mode is signal by this attack.

  • Enraged mode will give the boss new and stronger attacks as well as higher attack speed.

  • You will also know when it's enraged when its eyes glow blue and leave an afterimage when moving.

  • The boss will still call down orbs, but these orbs are grayish in color and don't move to the boss.

  • Moving close to these orbs will make the orbs move toward you.

  • They explode on contact and apply the armor debuff.

  • Once enraged, you have to knock the boss to make it go back to its 2nd phase.

  • This is shown below. Once the boss gets back up from its knockdown, the stationary orbs disappear.

  • The soulmaster ult is not the one clearing the orbs.

Moveset (1st Phase)

Tail Swipe

  • The tail swipe can be confusing for newer players.

  • The tail swipe telegraph is easy to notice. The boss will look back at the side it wants to swing its tail to.

  • The tail will be brought down in the middle. The boss will move diagonally to the other side.

  • Then the boss will tail swipe the side it was originally looking at.

  • Easiest way for melee to dodge all future swipe attacks is to stand diagonally to the boss's back.

  • This way, you dodge the initial tail swipe slam down the middle.

  • Then you move towards the middle where the tail landed to dodge the swipe.


  • The boss will telegraph its charge. There will be an AoE around himself at the end location of its charge.

Double Pound

  • Self-explanatory.

Single Pound

  • Self-explanatory.

Double Pound into Single

  • Self-explanatory.

Combo Pounds

  • When the boss switches aggro, the boss likes turning around and following up with a pound attack.

Sky Attack

  • Jumps up into the air for a bit before landing forward and doing a cone AoE attack.

Sky Drop

  • Flies up into the air before landing back down on a target.


  • No damage for 1st phase backstep.

Moveset (2nd Phase - Inherits 1st Phase Moves)

Upgraded Backstep

  • The backstep during the 2nd Phase spawns whirlwinds that move forward.

  • 2 whirlwinds spawn in front before the whirlwinds on the side.

  • You can dodge the whirlwinds as shown below if you're in front when this happens.


  • Flies slowly up into the air before using its rain attack.

  • Safe spot is in the middle. Before it lands, make sure to dash out of the safe area before it lands.

Shadow Ball

  • Arches its back before launching a shadow ball at a target.

Triple Shadow Ball

  • An orb appears at the front before the boss splits it into three orbs that go outward.

Moveset (Enraged Mode - Inherits Previous Phase Moves)

Enraged Charge

  • When enraged, its charge becomes almost instant and he uses it back to back.

Enraged Shadow Ball

  • Arches up and uses a huge shadow ball attack.

Posted by Yaen

Cantabile of Heart | Courtesy | 525 Points Per Day | ~34 Days

Twilight Requiem | Harmony of Heavens | Roar | Stretch | 1375 Points Per Day | ~57 Days

Minuet of the Forest | Talk | 525 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Music of Temptation | Affection | 650 Points Per Day | ~28 Days

Music of Resonance | Talk | 600 Points Per Day | ~30 Days

Music of Courage | Courtesy | 525 Points Per Day | ~34 Days

Minuet of the Forest | Applause/Clap | 525 Points Per Day | ~34 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Dance | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Respect | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

Music of Courage | Talk | 600 Points Per Day | ~30 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Dance | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

Harmony of Heavens | Toast | Provoke | 925 Points Per Day | ~41 Days

Twilight Requiem | Music of Starlight |Frustration | 900 Points Per Day | ~43 Days

Elegy of Tranquility | Twilight Requiem | Threat/Intimidate | 950 Points Per Day | ~40 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rohendel Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Shushire Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
North Bern Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Music of Starlight | Music of Eternity | Respect | Happy | 1375 Points Per Day | ~57 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Wave | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

Music of Courage | Courtesy | 525 Points Per Day | ~34 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Island Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Shushire Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
North Bern Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Music of Courage | Happy | 650 Points Per Day | ~10 Days

Music of Courage | Talk | 500 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Music of Courage | Respect | 525 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Affection | 525 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Island Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Rohendel Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
North Bern Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Minuet of the Forest | Clap | 525 Points Per Day | ~34 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Happy | 650 Points Per Day | ~28 Days

Music of Resonance | Yep | 600 Points Per Day | ~10 Days

Music of Courage | Courtesy | 575 Points Per Day | ~31 Days

Harmony of Heavens | Music of Resonance | Halla Halla | Advance | 1325 Points Per Day | ~59 Days

Music of Temptation | Minuet of the Forest | Burst of Laughter | Roar | 1300 Points Per Day | ~60 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rohendel Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Shushire Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Tortoyk Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Twilight of Requiem | Sad | Bored | 975 Points Per Day | ~39 Days

Music of Temptation | Twilight of Requiem | Burst of Laughter | Shy/Bashful | 1275 Points Per Day | ~61 Days

Elegy of Tranquility | Cheer | Pray | 800 Points Per Day | ~48 Days

Music of Resonance | Laugh | 600 Points Per Day | ~30 Days

Music of Resonance | Deny | 600 Points Per Day | ~10 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Shushire Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
North Bern Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Tortoyk Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
East Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Minuet of the Forest | Yep | 525 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Music of Resonance | Dance | 600 Points Per Day | ~10 Days

Music of Resonance | Talk | 600 Points Per Day | ~30 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

North Bern Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Tortoyk Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
East Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
West Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Music of Resonance | Yep | 600 Points Per Day | ~10 Days

Music of Courage | Encourage | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

Cantabile of Heart | Respect | 525 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Arthethine Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
East Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
West Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Eudia Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Music of Courage | Song of Temptation | Encourage | Advance | 1275 Points Per Day | ~61 Days

Serenade of Love | Affection | 550 Points Per Day | ~11 Days

Music of Courage | Serenade of Love | Charm (Aegyo) | 800 Points Per Day | ~48 Days

Music of Courage | Laugh | 500 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Serenade of Love | Respect | 550 Points Per Day | ~11 Days

Music of Courage | Talk | 500 Points Per Day | ~12 Days

Music of Courage | Twilight Requiem | Beg | Respect | 1200 Points Per Day | ~65 Days

Serenade of Love | Harmony of Heavens | Shy/Bashful | 875 Points Per Day | ~44 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Tortoyk Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
West Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Eudia Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthemis Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen

Music of Courage | Applause/Clap | 500 Points Per Day | ~36 Days

'Unsorted > Affinity Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Anich Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Tortoyk Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
East Luteran Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Eudia Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Arthemis Affinity  (0) 2019.11.30
Posted by Yaen
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