Guardian Raid T2-3: Yoho of the Red Flame YouTube Ver.
Guardian Raid T2-3:
Yoho of the Red Flame
Just right click the YouTube video and click loop to get it to behave like a GIF.
Recommended Team Setup
Recommended Items
Shield Talisman | Water Bomb
General Battle Mechanics
Yoho goes through 3 phases. She starts at the 1st phase and everytime she TPs, she enters the next phase.
Yoho's 2nd and 3rd phase give her access to upgraded and/or new attacks.
Throughout the battle, you will have a chance to attain an attack buff which greatly increases your AP and AS.
This attack buff applies a burn debuff on you so make sure you have 100% burn immunity.
The most common method is when the boss uses her breath attack.
Getting hit by the fire will give you this attack buff.
Have a bard shield before entering the fire or use a shield talisman.
She will usually use her breath shortly after she turns pink.
Yoho does this ring move during 1st phase.
When the move ends, the person with the lowest health gets the attack buff (not percentage health).
Since bard's are usually the one with the lowest health, they have to use spacebar to get out of the ring.
You see in this video, the bard gets the buff at the end of the move, which shouldn't have happened.
You cannot just walk out of the ring because it pushes you back towards Yoho.
Yoho does move during 2nd phase.
You must get hit by 3 orbs to get the attack buff.
Yoho periodically does a 360 spin move that causes random areas on the floor to be on fire.
Since these fires can sometimes interrupt with DPSing, players throw water bombs on those areas to clear.
Do not waste a water bomb on such a small area like this berserker though.
Yoho will periodically try and powerup. Impairment required is fairly low and this is free time to DPS.
1st Phase Moveset
Screams, TPs, screams again, does a 360, and spawns a clone that also does a 360.
Faster version of charge.
Telegraphed by Yoho kneeling a bit before going further.
Telegraphed by Yoho kneeling down and getting ready to leap.
Random Fireballs
Arches her head up and screams before firing fireballs in random directions.
Targeted Fireballs
It's sometimes easy to tell who is the target of this attack because she just slides across the floor.
She fires two projectiles for the 1st phase version.
You should be used to the animation of charges by now. Yoho's charge is nothing different.
Sky Drop
Turns toward an aggroed target, screams and flies up into the air, then drops down on the target.
Can be avoided by just running. If you don't feel confident, just use a dash move.
Turns toward an aggroed target and does a single stomp.
Tail Swipe 360
Same telegraph as her spawn fires on random areas move, except this actually damages you.
Tail Swipe Back
Telegraphed by Yoho bending her head down a bit before bringing her tails up and swiping down.
Tail Swipe Side
She will look at the side she will tail swipe just like Calventus.
Yoho will then swipe her tail at the side she was looking at from the other side.
No damage.
2nd Phase Moveset - Inherits 1st Phase Moveset
Upgraded Jump
She does 3 jumps now instead on the same target.
She will walk into a straight line like a model on a runway. As she does this, rain will fall down.
Upgraded Clones
Instead of one clone, she will spawn clones in all cardinal directions, east, west, north, and south.
Easy to avoid for ranged by standing 45 degrees to Yoho.
Melee can just dash back in after the real Yoho does her spin.
Upgraded Flash
Yoho does flash three times in a row during 3rd Phase.
Arches her head up, screams and rain will fall down.
Upgraded Random Fireballs
These random fireballs now leave the floor burning.
Upgraded Targeted Fireballs
Instead of a pair of projectiles being fired, there are now two pairs of projectiles.