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  1. 2020.09.13 World Tree Leaf Locations
  2. 2020.09.13 Voyage Adventures
  3. 2020.09.13 Season 2 Masterpiece Locations

World Tree Leaves

  • Updated Source: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4821/70170 
  • Besides the 1st leaf, you can only obtain leaves from life skilling.
  • They drop from specific nodes in specific maps. The locations as of now are still incomplete.
  • Out of the total 75 obtainable leaves, only 55 leaves are currently in the game in KR as of 9/2020.
  • Pictures of rewards listed all the way at the bottom.
0. Quest
World Tree Leaf #1 - Purple Guide Quest
1. Gathering
World Tree Leaf #2 - Ticatica Community (Primary Flowers | Lily Flowers)
World Tree Leaf #8 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #14 - Iron Hammer Workshop (Sleeping Flower)
World Tree Leaf #20 - Shallow Sea Road (Full Bloom Hongseonhwa)
World Tree Leaf #26 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #41 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #50 - Pesnar Plateau (Sleeping Flowers | Sunset Flowers | Four Season Flowers)
World Tree Leaf #59 - Unknown Location - Luminous Mushroom
World Tree Leaf #68 - Unknown
2. Logging
World Tree Leaf #3 - Howling Swamp (Fellgarden | Arbo) - Iron Hammer Workshop (Tetra Tree) - Secret Forest (Tetra Tree) - Giant Mushroom Island
World Tree Leaf #9 - Howling Swamp
World Tree Leaf #15 - Pandapapu Island - Iron Hammer Workshop - Shallow Sea Road
World Tree Leaf #21 - Secret Forest - Howling Swamp (Tetra) - Unfinished Garden - Frost Prison Plateau - Giant Mushroom Island
World Tree Leaf #27 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #42 - Parna Forest
World Tree Leaf #51 - Unfinished Garden (Fellgarden | Tarol) 
World Tree Leaf #60 - Shallow Sea Road (Arbo | Kyles | Fellgarden) 
World Tree Leaf #69 - Unfinished Garden (Fellgarden | Tarol) 
3. Mining
World Tree Leaf #4 - Sleeping Song Island (Silver Ore)
World Tree Leaf #10 - Star Sand Beach (Obsidian | Iron Ore), Tottrich (Silver Ore)
World Tree Leaf #16 - Destroyed Jenna (Iron Ore)
World Tree Leaf #22 - Destroyed Jenna (Iron Ore)
World Tree Leaf #28 - Land of the Beginning (Iron Ore)
World Tree Leaf #43 - Star Sand Beach + Alteisen (Obsidian | Iron Ore), Land of the Beginning (Silver Ore)
World Tree Leaf #52 - Land of the Beginning (Iron Ore)
World Tree Leaf #61 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #70 - Star Sand Beach (Obsidian) | Meteora (Gold Ore) 
4. Hunting
World Tree Leaf #5 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #11 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #17 - Wind Scent Hill
World Tree Leaf #23 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #29 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #44 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #53 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #62 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #71 - Unknown
5. Fishing
World Tree Leaf #6 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #12 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #18 - Mane Wave Harbor (Anemone)
World Tree Leaf #24 - Shallow Sea Road (Demasoni)
World Tree Leaf #30 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #45 - City of the Forgotten
World Tree Leaf #54 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #63 - Shallow Sea Road (Demasoni) | City of the Forgotten | Regens Village 
World Tree Leaf #72 - Unknown
6. Archaeology
World Tree Leaf #7 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #13 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #19 - Shady Cliff
World Tree Leaf #25 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #31 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #46 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #55 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #64 - Unknown
World Tree Leaf #73 - Unknown

Posted by Yaen

Voyage Adventures

  • What was once attached to random sailors, are now obtainable through maps instead. The map will show you where the locations of voyage adventure are.
  • Pictures of rewards listed all the way at the bottom.

0. Default/Unknown

Adventure #29 - Purple Guide Quest - Given Automatically During Level Up

Adventure #18 - Unknown

Adventure #25 - Unknown

1. Personal Island Merchants (Legit just using google translated names here)

Adventure #2 - Deokyheon - 12000 Seal of Adventure

Adventure #4 - Astiel - 11400 Seal of Victory

Adventure #6 - True - 11400 Seal of Adventure

Adventure #8 - Flor - 10800 Seal of Victory

Adventure #9 - unknown

Adventure #11 - Frauke - 11400 Seal of Victory

2. Adventure Book

Adventure #1 - Tortoyk 70%

Adventure #3 - Papunika 60%

Adventure #5 - Anich 70%

Adventure #7 - Yorn 60%

Adventure #10 - Rohendel 50%

Adventure #22 - Shushire 60%

Adventure #23 - Arthetine 60%

Adventure #32 - Payton 50%

3. Merchant

Adventure #20 - Arthetine Hunting Guild Ship - 3340 Guiena's Coins

Adventure #21 - North Bern Hunting Guild Ship - 6680 Guiena's Coins

Adventure #26 - Gateway to Harmony Merchant Exchange

Adventure #28 - East Lutheran Hunting Guild Ship - 3340 Guiena's Coins

Adventure #30 - Gateway to Harmony Merchant Exchange

Adventure #31 - Anich Hunting Guild Ship - 3340 Guiena's Coins

Adventure #34 - Shushire Hunting Guild Ship - 6680 Guiena's Coins

4. Boss Kills

Adventure #27 - Alacer Island Boss

Adventure #36 - Death Valley Boss

Adventure #37 - Forpe Boss

Adventure #38 - Welcome Butterfly Island Boss | Sleeping Song Island Coop Quest Reward

Adventure #39 - Island of Ice & Fire Boss | Spida Island Boss

Adventure #40 - Alteisen Boss

Adventure #41 - Welcome Butterfly Island Boss

Adventure #43 - Yorn Field Boss Tiffany

5. Sailing

Adventure #35 - Illusion Island Coop Quest Reward

Adventure #38 - Sleeping Song Island Coop Quest Reward | Welcome Butterfly Island Boss

Adventure #42 - 65 Island Hearts

Adventure #44 - 85 Island Hearts

6. Affinity

Adventure #12 - Arthetine Mercenary Seira

Adventure #13 - Papunika Zahara

Adventure #14 - Papunika Liru

Adventure #15 - West Lutheran Craftmans Urr

Adventure #16 - Island of Broken Glaciers Sally

Adventure #1- East Lutheran Silian

Adventure #19 - Artemis Neria

Adventure #24 - Sea Paradise Payto Tanya

Posted by Yaen

Masterpiece Locations

  • Pictures of rewards listed all the way at the bottom.

1. Adventure Book

Masterpiece #4 - 50% East Lutheran

Masterpiece #5 - 50% Tortoyk

Masterpiece #6 - 50% Anich

Masterpiece #7 - 50% North Bern

Masterpiece #8 - 40% Shushire

Masterpiece #30 - 40% Rohendel

Masterpiece #31 - 40% Yorn

Masterpiece #37 - 40% Payton

Masterpiece #43 - 40% Papunika

2. Quest

Masterpiece #1 - Sunflower Island Purple Quest

Masterpiece #13 - Ribeheim Purple Quest

3. Merchant

Masterpiece #2 - Personal Island Merchant Elaine - 4275 Seals of Subjugation

Masterpiece #12 - Blackteeth's Haven Merchant - 3600 Guiena's Coins

Masterpiece #20 - Starlight Lighthouse Merchant Frank - 3300 Guiena's Coins

Masterpiece #27 - West Sea Traveling Merchant Ship - 10,000 Pirate Coins

Masterpiece #34 - Atropos Black Merchant (In hidden area off map) - 30,000 Pirate Coins

4. Epona Rewards

Masterpiece #9 - Ozhong Hills Epona

Masterpiece #10 - Mana Wave Harbor Epona

Masterpiece #18 - Karlhertz Epona

Masterpiece #19 - Island of Freedom Epona

Masterpiece #28 - Fermata Epona - West Sea "Payto" Ship

Masterpiece #48 - Star Sand Beach Epona

5. Collection

Masterpiece #3 - 30 Island Hearts

Masterpiece #11 - 24 World Tree Leaves

Masterpiece #21 - 9 Giant Hearts

Masterpiece #22 - 55 Island Hearts

Masterpiece #23 - 30 Voyage Adventures

Masterpiece #32 - 950 Mokoko Seeds

Masterpiece #33 - 11 Giant Hearts

Masterpiece #38 - 75 Island Hearts

Masterpiece #39 - 38 Voyage Adventures

Masterpiece #44 - 1150 Mokoko Seeds

6. Tickets

Masterpiece #14 - Cube/Elite Cube/Dimension Cube Golden Chest Room

Masterpiece #15 - Corridor of Trials Normal | Silence Normal/Hard | Sun Normal

Masterpiece #17 - Tier 3 Tower

Masterpiece #24 Cube Hard/Elite Cube/Dimension Cube Golden Chest Room

Masterpiece #25 Corridor of Trials Hard | Silence Normal/Hard | Sun Normal

Masterpiece #35 - Corridor of Silence Normal/Hard | Sun Normal

Masterpiece #36 Elite Cube/Dimension Cube Golden Chest Room

Masterpiece #40 Elite Cube/Dimension Cube Golden Chest Room

Masterpiece #41 Corridor of Silence Hard | Corridor of Sun Normal

Masterpiece #45 Dimension Cube Golden Chest Room

Masterpiece #46 Corridor of the Sun Normal

7. Map Drops

Masterpiece #16 

Masterpiece #26 

Masterpiece #42 

Masterpiece #47 

8. Affinity

Masterpiece #29 - Calvasus Affinity

Posted by Yaen

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