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  1. 2019.03.17 Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chromanium
  2. 2019.03.16 Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus
  3. 2019.03.11 Guardian Raid T3-2: Regi Bros
Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chrome

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Just right click the YouTube video and click loop to get it to behave like a GIF.

Recommended Team Setup


Heavy Impairment

Destruction + Penetration Skills 

Optional Weapon

Recommended Items

Corrosion Bomb | Destruction Bomb | Penetration Bomb | Whirlwind Bomb

Recommended Runes

Fire Resistance

Recommended Engravings

Vital Strike (+10% Neutralization Effect) (On Warlords/Destroyers)


General Battle Mechanics

  • Lava Chromanium operates almost the same way as regular Chromanium.

  • You must still break its armor, but both destruction and penetration skills work on its armor.

  • Consider using a corrosion bomb before having your party apply any parts destruction effects.

  • Lava Chromanium does not inherit the "must break armor to start dealing normal damage" mechanic.

  • Every time Lava Chromanium runs, you must break its armor all over again.

  • When the bosses armor is still intact, the boss will periodically call down meteors every ~18 seconds.

  • The meteors knock you down and deal a decent amount of damage.

  • After breaking the bosses armor, the boss will run away after ~3 minutes.

  • To prevent the boss from running away during this time, you must knock the boss.

  • Knocking the boss makes it so the 2nd and 3rd knock become easier.

  • The boss will always run shortly after the 3rd knock. (Unconfirmed, I need more info)

  • The boss takes extra damage when knocked just like regular Chromanium.

  • Because the boss doesn't run away unless the armor breaks, sometimes teams would just bring full damage team comps with few parts destruction skills to DPS the turtle down.

  • The boss will periodically spawn volcanoes.

  • Usually teams only kill one volcano to make sure they have room to DPS as referenced below in the video.

  • Teams may sometimes use a whirlwind bombs or ults to hit both the volcano and boss to not lose DPS.

  • If you opt to not kill at least 1 volcano, make sure to drag the boss out.

  • The volcanoes will spew rain around itself after a time.

  • The volcanoes will explode after a time. Make sure you're not near the volcano when it happens.

  • It has a large explosion radius as you can see in the below video.

  • At around 30% health, the boss will periodically use an AoE flame that spreads outwards.



  • This move is only used when the boss still has its armor. Burrows into the ground and then uses rain.

  • The boss may use this move after a "lunge forward - turn body slam" chain or after a single lunge forward.

  • While the boss may not always burrow after these attacks, the burrow is always preceded by these attacks.

Eruption (2 Types)

  • The 1st type is exactly the same as the move used by regular Chromanium.

  • The second type of eruption is used after a set attack sequence.

  • Gathers air near his legs before jumping up -> Turn Body Slam -> Lunge Forward -> Eruption.

  • If you have a warlord in your party, the warlord can always interrupt the boss by taunting.

  • You can see the boss being taunted in the middle of its attack sequence.

Flame Breath (2 Types)

  • The boss telegraphs this by gathering air and by "sliding" to its aggroed target before using the attack.

  • The attack zone covers a 180 degree cone.

  • This flame breath is also telegraphed by gathering air and "sliding" to its aggroed target.

  • Instead of covering a 180 cone, it covers a straight line.

Body Slam (3 Types)

  • Frontal body slam.

  • Side body slam.

  • Turns and jumps while doing a body slam.

Body Slam (3 Types)

  • Single lunge.

  • Double lunge.
  • Double lunge but switches directions after the 1st lunge.


  • Single cannon shot AoE.


  • Multiple small AoEs.

Posted by Yaen
Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus

Clips from:

Just right click the YouTube video and click loop to get it to behave like a GIF.

Recommended Team Setup


Optional Weapon

Light Weapon

Optional Items

Molotov | Panacea | Talisman | Flash Bomb

Recommended Runes

Dark Resistance

Optional Engravings

Heavy Armor | Shield Penetration (50% Extra Damage vs Shields)


General Battle Mechanics

  • The bosses dark attacks will apply a stacking debuff. Each debuff reduces armor by 10%.

  • The boss has 2 phases and an enrage phase. When you first encounter the boss, it will be in his 1st Phase.

  • When the boss TP's away, it will start at his 2nd Phase.

  • The 2nd phase is signaled by an AoE rain. There are 2 situations where this can occur.

  • The 1st situation is after the 1st knockdown. After getting back up, it will do it's AoE attack.

  • If you don't knock the boss, the boss will automatically use the AoE rain after ~3-4 minutes.

  • This starts the 2nd phase.

  • During the 2nd phase, the boss will periodically call down 4-5 dark orbs that move toward the boss.

  • The orbs can be staggered and the boss will not absorb them when the orbs are being engaged.

  • Allowing the boss to absorb ~4-5 orbs will enrage the boss. The enraged mode is signal by this attack.

  • Enraged mode will give the boss new and stronger attacks as well as higher attack speed.

  • You will also know when it's enraged when its eyes glow blue and leave an afterimage when moving.

  • The boss will still call down orbs, but these orbs are grayish in color and don't move to the boss.

  • Moving close to these orbs will make the orbs move toward you.

  • They explode on contact and apply the armor debuff.

  • Once enraged, you have to knock the boss to make it go back to its 2nd phase.

  • This is shown below. Once the boss gets back up from its knockdown, the stationary orbs disappear.

  • The soulmaster ult is not the one clearing the orbs.

Moveset (1st Phase)

Tail Swipe

  • The tail swipe can be confusing for newer players.

  • The tail swipe telegraph is easy to notice. The boss will look back at the side it wants to swing its tail to.

  • The tail will be brought down in the middle. The boss will move diagonally to the other side.

  • Then the boss will tail swipe the side it was originally looking at.

  • Easiest way for melee to dodge all future swipe attacks is to stand diagonally to the boss's back.

  • This way, you dodge the initial tail swipe slam down the middle.

  • Then you move towards the middle where the tail landed to dodge the swipe.


  • The boss will telegraph its charge. There will be an AoE around himself at the end location of its charge.

Double Pound

  • Self-explanatory.

Single Pound

  • Self-explanatory.

Double Pound into Single

  • Self-explanatory.

Combo Pounds

  • When the boss switches aggro, the boss likes turning around and following up with a pound attack.

Sky Attack

  • Jumps up into the air for a bit before landing forward and doing a cone AoE attack.

Sky Drop

  • Flies up into the air before landing back down on a target.


  • No damage for 1st phase backstep.

Moveset (2nd Phase - Inherits 1st Phase Moves)

Upgraded Backstep

  • The backstep during the 2nd Phase spawns whirlwinds that move forward.

  • 2 whirlwinds spawn in front before the whirlwinds on the side.

  • You can dodge the whirlwinds as shown below if you're in front when this happens.


  • Flies slowly up into the air before using its rain attack.

  • Safe spot is in the middle. Before it lands, make sure to dash out of the safe area before it lands.

Shadow Ball

  • Arches its back before launching a shadow ball at a target.

Triple Shadow Ball

  • An orb appears at the front before the boss splits it into three orbs that go outward.

Moveset (Enraged Mode - Inherits Previous Phase Moves)

Enraged Charge

  • When enraged, its charge becomes almost instant and he uses it back to back.

Enraged Shadow Ball

  • Arches up and uses a huge shadow ball attack.

'Unsorted > Guardian Raids Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Guardian Raid T4-1: Heavy Armor Nakrasena  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chromanium  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-2: Regi Bros  (0) 2019.03.11
Guardian Raid T3-1: Levanos  (0) 2019.03.11
Guardian Raid T2-4: Berutooth  (0) 2019.03.11
Posted by Yaen

Guardian Raid T3-2: Regioros Brothers

Picture Image: http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=212659&site=lostark

Recommended Team Setup


Optional Weapons

Fire Weapon (Ice Regioros) | Light Weapon (Dark Regioros)


Optional Runes

Water/Dark Resistance

General Battle Mechanics

  • Their attack speed has increased but their attacks have not changed.

  • The bosses will periodically teleport every minute unless being engaged in battle.

  • One person handles Dark Regioros and the others with fire weapon handle Frost Regioros.

  • After Frost Regioros has died, the 3 go and help kill Dark Regioros.

  • If you see both bosses at the same position, wait until 19:00, so they will teleport away.

  • If during the battle, a boss TP's away onto the other, just run away and wait for the next minute to come.

'Unsorted > Guardian Raids Unsorted' 카테고리의 다른 글

Guardian Raid T3-4: Lava Chromanium  (0) 2019.03.17
Guardian Raid T3-3: Calventus  (0) 2019.03.16
Guardian Raid T3-1: Levanos  (0) 2019.03.11
Guardian Raid T2-4: Berutooth  (0) 2019.03.11
Guardian Raid T2-3: Hellgaia  (0) 2019.03.11
Posted by Yaen

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